Real talk: there is something so empowering about having a good photo of yourself. Whether you’re updating your Facebook or LinkedIn profile, freshening your website, or even just emailing a snap to your mom so she can update the family picture frames, doesn’t it feel great to look good in a picture!?
After my first child was born (and let’s be honest, my face had returned to normal proportions) I asked my good friend to update my headshots. We walked around downtown Sioux Falls for a while snapping some solo photos, and it felt amazing to get these photos back and see myself as a functioning human being again. Not just someone’s mom or someone who’s been exhausted on maternity leave, but a real, grown human who gets dressed in the morning (most days).
Since then (nearly 7 years ago!), I’ve had the pleasure of working with friends and coworkers on their own headshots and brand photography, and it’s completely reinforced how I feel about having a good photo of yourself. Honestly, it’s something everybody deserves to have, and here is why.

Increased confidence
Have you ever had a photo of yourself where you just looked simply great? There’s something so empowering about having a photo like that! It makes you want to show everyone, and it helps you feel even more secure in the incredible person you are.
I talk a lot about finding your magic and sharing it with the world, and I think often times that starts with seeing yourself the way other people see you. We get so caught up in our own day to day that we often forget how truly magical and incredible we are. My favorite thing is when I’m working with someone and show them the back of my camera, and hearing Oh my gosh, I look so good! Because YEAH, you do!

When was the last time you got a photo taken of just yourself? It’s probably been a while, right? We have no problem carving out time as teenagers to document our senior year, but after that it’s like we forget that we are just as worthy of celebration as we grow. In fact, I’d argue you are even MORE worth celebrating as an adult. Look at all you’ve done! Look at what an incredible human you are! I’d say that’s worth a good picture of yourself.

Of course, there are practical reasons to update your headshots, too. If you’ve had a major change to your look (we love a new hairdo), or it’s been a few years, it’s a great time to get new photos taken. Your headshot should look like you, now. I know we all love hanging out to photos taken when we were a few years younger and had a few less wrinkles, but a good photographer will make you look incredible regardless of your age or body changes. Even if you look a little different than years past, you are no less worthy of that celebration.

Now get in front of the camera!