Consistently book your highest priced brand photography package



The 12-month branding program that takes you from a photographer-who-shoots-brand-photography to a Booked Out Brand Photographer in just 90 days.


You're not a newbie photographer

You want your clients to spend more and book bigger sessions, but you have a hard enough time getting them to book the small ones.


You love photography, but you're currently balancing more than a lot and it's sucking the life out of you.


You love the idea of niching, but it also scares the sh*t out of you because won't you be leaving money on the table and saying no constantly!?



Stand out as a brand photography expert and make a name for yourself in a niche that differentiates you in the market.


Forever knowing what to say in your IG captions and email newsletters so your calendar is always as booked as you want it to be.


Consistently booking high-paying brand photography sessions who are just as excited to work with you as you are to work with them.


I know your dream biz looks like:

Tell me more!

hey, brand photographer!

Streamlined workflows and systems for planning, shooting, and delivering brand sessions that save time, reduce stress, and impress clients.

professional af

Does this sound like you?

Does this sound familiar?


You tell your clients building a personal branding is important, but you don't know how to do that for yourself.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You want to be able to charge more, but you feel gross about just raising your prices willy-nilly.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You're still shooting portrait/wedding photography, but you’re sick of working nights and weekends.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You know you should be building a personal brand as a photographer but you don’t know what that means, and you hate showing your face on IG Stories.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You’ve struggled with mindset and feel like you’re one photographer in a sea of many, and you don’t know how to stand out.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You're dying to find clients who actually see the value of brand photography, and are willing to pay for it.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You wish booking brand photography felt as easy as booking weddings and portraits.

The key to being a booked out brand photographer is building a personal brand so distinct, you become the only choice—so you can attract clients with confidence and consistency.

Your brand makes selling brand photography simple:


Your personal brand makes you an industry of one, so clients want to book only you.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

Your reputation attracts the type of photography work you want more of.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

Your marketing creates rapport, turning your current audience into clients.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

Your current clients rave about their experience, creating a community who can't wait to book you.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

You book more ideal clients through past client referrals.

(I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm being sincere. When you own a business, it's so much harder to find that separation between your life and your work... Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life FOR THE BETTER.) 

Your clients return again and again, because of the experience and results you deliver.

Here's what we focus 📷 on to get there

A virtual vibe that works as hard as you do so new clients find you.

A dream client messaging strategy so your words transform your audience into clients.

Workflows and systems that provide a rave-worthy client experience so your current clients get you new clients.

A model for building mental resilience when business feels rocky. (Imposter syndrome? We don't know her.)

Meet Maddie

Brand-photographer-turned-educator, here to help you become the photographer everyone wants to book.

I started out as an accidental brand photographer. 
🗓️ In 2017 I realized that the content that did the “best” on my Instagram account wasn’t the (gorgeous) wedding photos I was taking for clients...

...but instead photos of my family, myself, my hobbies...stuff that made me, ME.

💃🏼 I started bringing more of myself into my brand. I wasn’t doing it super-on-purpose. I was just being me, and suddenly I had a brand.

Since then, I've worked with hundreds of businesses to help build their personal brands.

I loved it so much that I fully pivoted my business to brand photography (and got my nights and weekends back). 

In building my own personal brand, I've built a business that makes selling brand photography simple. 

📷 Now I teach photographers how to do the same.

My photography clients trust me to get them results because I go first. They watch me book out using my personal brand, so they know they can do it too. 

My greatest sales tool is me. You can have that, too.

The program that turns photographers-who-shoot-brand-photography into booked out brand photographers


by teaching you how to build a personal brand that makes selling brand photography simple, so you can get booked out with 4-figure+ sessions.

Randi's Words: “I was new to my photography business when I joined Rebrand, so spending money on coaching before I had a lot of income coming in was hard. 
But the alternative was to piece things together on my own … and that would have taken me so much longer. Plus, I wouldn’t have the important business foundations that I have in place today.”

Meet a few Booked Out Brand Photographers 

randI, randi lea photography

Gained pricing confidence and booked her $2600 package

randi's results

  • Left her pharmacist job and took her business full time
  • Feels confident in her pricing and trusts her intuition on what to say YES to
  • Created a Signature Session to position her as *the* brand photographer to book in her area
  • Booked her new Signature Session (her largest package!): $2600
  • Continues to finesse her messaging to attract dream clients

Courtney's Words: “Rebrand changed my life. I'm not trying to be dramatic–Rebrand changed my business which went hand in hand in changing my life.

Because of Rebrand, I have systems that I'm proud of that make the work I do so much easier, and ensure client's get a great experience. Rebrand got me out of overwhelm, and now have a workflow and client experience I'm proud of.


Booked a $13k project and overcame business overwhelm

Courtney's results

  • Launched her website
  • Books projects months in advance
  • Took the month of December off 
  • Continues to book larger clients, including a $13k project while in Rebrand
  • Is positioning herself as a brand expert through her messaging and social media content (and her client's are noticing)


Kirstie's Words: " I joined Rebrand and had a five week preemie shortly after. My life was nuts, but I would do it over and over again because Rebrand has completely transformed my photography business. 

I've never felt so confident in my business, and because of the experience I give clients, I recently had a client tell me I should charge more–even after she paid $3300!"

Kirstie, Kirstie Veatch photography

Pivoted to personal brands and made $30k with brand photography

Kirstie's results

  • Completely pivoted to offer only brand photography
  • Crafted a crystal-clear Brand Value Statement to clearly position her as the go-to brand photographer
  • Uses Value Based Pricing to create packages that her clients are excited to book (and pay for!)

Lynsey's Words: “My brand photography service has completely blossomed from booking hardly any brand work, to averaging 2-3 brand sessions per month that are each paying me 4-figures.

Rebrand has empowered me to show up in my business and that has allowed me to be seen as someone who provides a top-notch brand photography service in my area."

Lynsey, Lynsey Prosser Photography

Books multiple 4-figure brand sessions every month

Lynsey's results

  • Updated her website to position herself as a brand and wedding photographer in a way that is clear and easy to navigate
  • Clients are returning for more photoshoots (and still paying 4-figures) 
  • Consistently adding to her Google Reviews
  • Sharing thought-leadership content on social media to position herself as the go-to brand photographer

Jill's Words: “I wanted to establish systems in my biz to create more time to focus on filling my calendar with ideal clients.

Since joining, I've launched my own rebrand thanks in part to Maddie's guidance and support. I now have next-level confidence and energy that's making me so excited for this next chapter of my business!"

Jill, Jill Neil photography

Booked $25k worth of brand photos and launched her own rebrand

Jill's results

  • Created her own Signature Session with Profitable Pricing
  • Is delivering an experience–not just photos
  • Has learned how to incorporate flash when necessary
  • Launched her own rebrand and website redesign to position herself as the go-to brand photographer 
  • Feels confidence, excitement, and support in a new phase of business

Katie's Words: “Before Rebrand, I wanted to be able to make more money without having to sacrifice nights and weekends for portrait work. I also wanted to be done offering themed family mini sessions!

I've positioned myself as a brand photographer in my area, while still offering the family photography I love. I've raised my prices and booked my new packages!"

Katie, Katie Anne Creative

Made 4-figures with brand minis and is standing out in her market

Katie's results

  • Made 4-figures on her first ever brand mini session day
  • Switched to Value Based Pricing to make more money in less time
  • Is standing out in a market saturated with portrait photographers
  • Created a new Instagram account and has clarity on her messaging
  • Is posting thoughtful, thought-leadership content that starts conversations with her ideal clients

As soon as you join, you'll get access to the Rebrand Curriculum where you'll immediately learn how to create and price an offer (your Signature Session) that attracts ideal brand photography clients while also making you a profit. This is the foundation of being able to establish your reputation as a brand photographer.


DAY 01

The first week of Rebrand kicks off with the Portfolio Building Challenge. You'll learn the tools and strategies you need to book your first portfolio building brand client so you can start shooting what you want (not just anyone who wants to book), and have the content to attract more ideal (higher paying!) clients.



You'll dive into the Rebrand curriculum where you'll learn the exact strategies you need to implement to build a personal brand that attracts dream clients, so you can stand out and book your next 4-figure session.



You'll learn the DREAM Framework for marketing, and give your website and social media profiles an on-brand facelift as you claim your new title: Brand Photographer. You'll complete the Booked Out marketing challenge, giving you a prompt every single day to book more clients and establish your reputation.



It's not over when you book your first 4-figure client (which most Rebranders do within 72 days). We'll be together over the next year so you'll have support as your inquiries increase, whether you need help bidding a new project, crafting the perfect proposal, or dealing with sticky situations.

continued support for 12 months

12 months


Charge 4-figures in just 90 days. Here's how:

Rebrand Milestones

Accessible Curriculum

Weekly Group Coaching

24/7 Slack Channel

Whether you prefer to watch the (15-20 min or less) videos, or binge the Private Podcast, you can go through the curriculum at your own pace and begin implementing the exact strategies needed to book your next 4-figure session.

We'll meet via Zoom every week for group trainings, co-working, and Q&A/coaching, so you can get additional support with whatever issues arise in your business.

Need help on a proposal? Feedback on pricing? Advice on a tricky client situation? We've got Slack for that! You'll never have to do business alone in this community. 

How You'll Do It:

Templates and Tools

The Vault

Guest Experts

You'll get access to the Pricing Calculator, email templates and workflows, session workflows, Discovery Call map, client questionnaire and review form, and more, so you can save time and stop spending hours in Google Docs and Canva.

Check out videos like how I run a discovery call with a potential client, watch me pitch a 30k brand photography project, and how I price for clients with different needs, so you can build a sustainable brand photography business like mine.

Library of guest expert trainings include topics like sustainable social media, money mindset, and adding video to your photo business, so you can continually develop the marketing and business skills to keep growing your brand.


Pricing is more than numbers and strategy–there's a lot of emotion involved. We'll work together to create your Signature Session with Profitable Pricing so you can meet your financial goals, without charging more than you're ready to charge. You'll learn how to price your offers with confidence, no matter the project, so you can be charging 4-figures in no time.

how you'll be supported

PRIVATE portfolio reviews

Throughout Rebrand, you can submit a private Portfolio Review at any time to get real-time feedback on recent sessions so you can continue developing your skills to be a 4-figure brand photographer. You'll receive feedback within 48 hours, and there's no limit to the number of Reviews you submit.

how you'll be supported

WEBSITE reviews

Once you've learned the On-Brand Website Criteria, you can submit your website for review. I'll provide private feedback and a clear plan of action so your website starts converting clients before you ever get on a sales call.

how you'll be supported

social content reviews

Want another set of eyes on your content? You can submit that too! I'll tell you what changes to make so you can make sure you're speaking to ideal clients, and helping to convert people already in your audience into paying clients.

how you'll be supported


Need help on a proposal? Feedback on pricing? Advice on a tricky client situation? We've got an active Slack community for that! You can get real-time feedback from me and your peers, every single day.

how you'll be supported

tools & templates

It's taken me years to create all of the documents that make my business tick, and I'm giving you access to them all so you can stop wasting precious time. My client questionnaire, discovery call workflow, session guide Canva template, email, templates, session and back end workflows...and so much more, is yours to tweak and use as your own.

how you'll be supported

Seriously–I've got you covered:


See it by the numbers:


Total brand photography booked by photographers inside Rebrand (in under a year!)


The average brand session booked during Rebrand

86 Days

Average time it  takes to book a 4-figure brand session


100% increase in confidence during Rebrand

$500 x5





one time payment


  • Self-paced course where you'll learn how to plan, shoot, and deliver brand sessions to rave reviews.
  • Continue building the skills of a 4-figure photographer.
  • Follow me around at two full brand sessions, a mini session day, and a styled shoot.
  • Learn how to navigate tricky lighting situations so you can stop relying on natural light for your sessions.
  • Watch me interact with clients so you can understand purposeful posing for brand sessions. 

Plus, forever access to:


Behind the Shot

$500 value

Rebrand grad spotlights

Tune-in to the episode

Brooklyn used the Rebrand Portfolio Building Method to fill her calendar with paid brand sessions.

Real reviews from real brand photogaphers

katie wark: I'm Booked for the next 3 months

 I can't even express the amount of ways that my offering has been elevated thanks to Rebrand. I continue to raise my prices and still book clients, and I feel more comfortable doing it because I know that the experience is more professional and more elevated than it was. Rebrand gave me the tools, resources and focus I needed.

Euvonne Hickey: I feel so aligned in my business

Rebrand has made me feel so aligned in my business. It feels like every step I take, even if it's a small one, is going to help me get to where I want to be with brand photography. I wasn't putting effort into other kinds of photography any more, and now it makes sense - brand photography is for me!

Natlie Brenner: The Templates alone made my jaw drop

Maddie is literally handing you 90%+ of what you need to be an “above average” branding photographer. Having a resource like Rebrand–the education and the support from Maddie and the other women in the group–WILL SAVE YOU dozens (maybe hundreds?) of hours. 

Jaice Shakespaere: This information Feels Illegal

I've been in business for a while, but went back in the Rebrand Vault to take the Brand Photography Jumpstart when I decided to slightly pivot my business. The information just in that one training feels like it should be illegal to have. It's exactly what I needed to build my portfolio while getting paid, and launch the new brand side of my business!

Rebecca Mcneese: I tripled my pricing and booked a dream client

Before Rebrand, I had lost the joy in my business and was feeling stuck. Within weeks of starting Rebrand, I tripled my pricing and booked a dream client using the strategies I learned in Rebrand. I continue to get more inquiries from people who say they know other photographers, but no one who specifically does what I do.

Katie Vetch: Rebrand Changed my Branding Business

I joined Rebrand right before I had my baby, and then gave birth early. Even still, I was able to slowly introduce the Rebrand methods into my business. Now, I am getting more and more clients without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Rebrand changed my branding biz - I've taken other courses by great photographers...but Rebrand is different.

Jaime King: I started using flash and feel more confident

Before Rebrand, I knew squat about flash. But now I've learned how to use it, which I never thought would happen! I would have never pitched the prices I’m currently offering at this time without Rebrand, and my process is so much more clear and seamless.

Frequently asked questions:

As of now, Rebrand enrollment opens three times per year.

When does enrollment open?

This is a 12-month group coaching program.

How long is rebrand?

Yes! You have the option of paying in full or paying $500 each month for 5 months, beginning the day you sign up. 

Do you accept payment plans?

Charging 4-figures for brand photography, booking your highest package, and feeling confident about pricing, to name a few.

What kind of results can i expect?

Yes! Rebrand breaks down my four-part personal branding ecosystem: Reputation, Rapport, Relationships, Resilience.

Is there a curriculum?

I am accepting up to 50 people for this program.

how many women will be in the program?

We will meet virtually every week on Wednesdays at noon CST. Attendance is encouraged, however, you do not need to attend calls to have a transformation in Rebrand.

When and how often will we meet? 

Immediately! There are students who book their first brand session within a week of starting Rebrand. 

WHen can i start offering brand photography?