Lately I have had some people reach out asking me to do an episode about balance. The timing is ironic as this past week I hardly worked more than 30 minutes a day due to having a sick kid at home. My daughter caught some kind of bug, and all she wanted to do was cuddle and nap on the couch. My flexibility allowed me to stay home with her, which I am so thankful for. But I will admit that, as a business owner, it was also challenging.
I love my job, and I love to work, so it was tough having that all be put on hold. This episode comes at an interesting time for me, but it also supports how I feel about balance – and that is that balance doesn’t really exist. The more we understand that and understand that that’s just life (and that everyone else doesn’t have it together either), the better it’ll be during those times we really feel unbalanced.
Though things are never totally in balance, there are some things in my life that I have setup to help support this work-life integration, or lack of balance maybe. And that’s what we are talking about today. Keep in mind these are what work for me and my family, though it may look different for you! But here are a few of those things I am sharing on today’s episode:
- Why I don’t believe there will ever be balance, otherwise we are constantly having to choose between our family, our work, our house, our self-care and the list goes on.
- Why I like the phrase work-life integration instead of work-life balance. It really is all one and the same.
- There will be some weeks where it’s all things all family, there will be weeks you have to be more present at work or where your personal life takes priority, etc.
- Childcare is a nonnegotiable for me. If my kids are home, I simply can’t get work done. Though it is a luxury, if you can afford, I totally see it as a necessary luxury.
- My life has also been changed through outsourcing. Again, it may not be financially realistic for everyone, but if you are just scared of starting, consider it again! Being able to free up your time is so much more incredible than holding onto the money.
- This past year, I have really worked to protect my calendar. Last year, I overbooked and became so burnt out. I set goals this year to have it be different, and it has allowed me to retain my sanity.
A closer look into the episode:
[5:10] It’s all about that integration across all the different parts of your life, as opposed to balance.
[11:32] Don’t think I’m doing it all with kids at home with me, because I’m not; my kids are in childcare full-time which allows me to get work done.
[25:12] I personally make sure my calendar is really light before and after big trips. No more stressing over getting all the things ready or coming back to a super full plate.
I hope this episode was helpful in helping you realize that you don’t need to be striving after balance but that there are things that can support you in the “unbalance.” Come join us in the Take It Personally Facebook group and share how you find integration in your life.
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