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The One Question You Need to Answer in Your Marketing

Oftentimes when photographers are asking the question, “What do I post to book more clients?” it’s coming from a place of panic. Maybe business is slow, or you’re transitioning into brand photography and struggling to book that first client.

It’s easy to become frustrated and narrowly focus on the immediate problem: you’re not booking clients. To shift this mindset, the focus should be on service rather than self.

Shift Your Focus: How Can I Help?

Instead of asking, “What do I need to post to book a client?” ask, “How can I help?”

“How can I help?” is the number one question you should be answering in your marketing.

This subtle shift can transform your posting strategy. It allows you to think like your ideal client, understanding their struggles and addressing their needs through your content.

Start with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A great place to start is with your ideal client’s frequently asked questions. FAQs are an incredibly effective way to generate content.

Think about the questions you receive most often from clients. For photographers, these might include:

  • What do I wear for my session?
  • How do I prepare my family for a photoshoot?
  • How can I make this session successful?

Answering these FAQs through blog posts, social media updates, or even detailed guides can position you as an expert and build trust with your audience.

If your clients aren’t asking the right questions yet, your content can also guide them. For example, if you want them to start thinking about outfit choices for a session, create content that discusses wardrobe tips and tricks.

Address Client Objections

Another reason clients may not be booking could be the price. Again, this comes back to your client’s not seeing the value. How can your content address these concerns?

Here, you can use your posts to highlight the value of your service. Explain how brand photography can provide a library of images that save time and boost marketing efforts.

Showcase the Results

Sharing success stories from past clients can also be a great way to reach new clients. You can feature recent sessions and share about the planning and photoshoot process. It may also be helpful to interview some past clients to capture testimonials on why they invested in brand photography and how it benefited their business.

Leverage Personal Stories

Don’t forget to add a personal touch! Yes, your clients want to know about the work you do, but before they book they need to know, like, and trust you. That only happens if they know who you are!

Regularly introduce yourself and share your own brand journey. If you’ve struggled with confidence before a shoot, share that experience and how you overcame it. Clients will relate to your vulnerability and authenticity.

Remember, the goal is to shift your focus from yourself to your clients. Ask yourself how you can help them. Answer their questions, address their objections, and share your stories. This approach will create valuable, trust-building content that not only grows your brand but also resonates deeply with your ideal clients.

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If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

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