This post is part of my partnership with Profile by Sanford. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for your support!

If you’re following along on Instagram (which you should be, because it’s my fave place on the web), you know that I’ve been using Profile by Sanford this year as I’ve been preparing for baby #3. Specifically, I’ve been following the Profile MOM Program, which has been such a huge help in navigating my health for the past few months.
When the Profile team reached out asking if I would be interested in a taste test of how some of their food stacks up to other programs, I was super intrigued. Honestly, I’ve never been the biggest fan of shakes and supplements, so I’ve been surprised that I’ve enjoyed the Profile options so much. I was excited to see what else was out there and how the Profile MOM Program compares!
I decided to get my kids in on the action because if your house is anything like mine, when the blender whirs, the toddlers come running. They are ALWAYS stealing sips of my smoothies, and honestly, if I can make one snack that pleases us all, it’s a total win in my book.
Here are the results from our fun afternoon taste test!

Boobie Body

Initial thoughts: Is it petty to comment on the name? I’m all for a fun play on words, but this is just a little strange to me and I’m not a fan. However, I do really love the packaging and clean look of the design. I also appreciated that on the packaging it told you the different ways you could use the mix, like adding it to a liquid and shaking it up, combining it in a blender with your favorite smoothie mix, or even using it in baking.
Smell: Oddly, the Vanilla Chai has a really unappealing smell that I was not expecting. It definitely had an artificial smell to it that was incredibly strong and unpleasant. Chocolate Bliss was much better.
Taste: (note that while these could be combined in a ton of different ways, for the purposes of this taste test I mixed the powder with a cup of ice, and 1-2 cups of milk) Veda, my smoothie girl, liked Vanilla Chai, but Simon and I could only take one sip before dumping it out. I definitely have pretty high standards when it comes to smoothie powders, but this was really bad. There was a medicinal taste to it that I really didn’t jive with.
However, Chocolate Bliss was quite a bit better and Simon agreed. It did still have some of that medicinal after taste, but I think oftentimes with protein powders some aftertaste is common.
Overall Score: 4
Baby Booster

Initial thoughts: Oh dear. I really can’t with these names! I’m not a huge fan of cutesy names on products that are geared toward women, specifically moms, and this is about as cutesy as it gets. No thanks. The packaging isn’t near as appealing to me as the last supplement, and one of these bags actually broke open a bit during shipment, which makes me wonder if that would be an ongoing issue.
While less plastic in the packaging is a win, it’s definitely more of a messy experience as opposed to just opening a packet and dumping it in the blender. On a positive note, the names of these products intrigued me and sounded really delicious at first glance.
Smell: Here we go. These have a pleasant smell when you open the bag. The vanilla smells like vanilla, and the chocolate smells like straight-up cocoa powder. Yes, please!
Taste: (note that while these could be combined in a ton of different ways, for the purposes of this taste test I mixed the powder with a cup of ice, and 1-2 cups of milk) We all agreed that Tahitian Vanilla was much better than the last vanilla, and the kids finished their cups. It kind of reminded me of semi-melted ice cream, which I can absolutely get down with. The after taste was still there, but not near as strong as the first option.
The chocolate (Kona Mocha) was GOOD! Veda and I finished ours, but Simon wasn’t a fan (“It tastes like coffee!”). To be fair, I think that’s why Veda and I liked it so much! That girl is always stealing sips of my cold brew.
Overall Score: 7

Profile Nurture

Initial thoughts: I think that even if you don’t have any experience with the Nurture shakes, it’s clear that they belong in the Profile family because of the packaging, which I appreciate! It definitely gives a level of credibility. Also, having used protein powders in the past that come in both single-serve and bag options (like the other supplements in this post), I have to say I prefer the single-serve packets. I know it means more plastic, and I do wish there was a better option there; but there’s something SO easy about just grabbing a packet to go. Plus, it totally takes the guess work out of any measuring.
Smell: I’ve been using the Nurture shakes for a while, and I’ve always been a fan of the smell. I know it might seem silly to focus on this, but when you’re early on in your pregnancy, this SERIOUSLY matters!
Taste: (note that while these could be combined in a ton of different ways, for the purposes of this taste test I mixed the powder with a cup of ice, and 1-2 cups of milk) Again, Veda and I are big fans of the Mocha flavor! Simon actually preferred this over the last option, which made sense to me because it’s definitely not as strong of a mocha flavor. I would say the Nurture Shake Mocha is somewhere between mocha and chocolate, where Baby Booster’s is very clearly mocha and has a stronger coffee flavor.
Next up is Vanilla Caramel, and admittedly this isn’t my favorite Nurture Shake. It has a melted-whip cream taste to it, which is actually delicious (and Simon’s favorite of all these shakes!), BUT personally I like to have a really basic vanilla option that I can combine with fruit smoothies. Vanilla Caramel is just a little too sweet for me to love this one, especially knowing that I’d want to use it in a fruit smoothie. It also has the strongest after taste of all the Nurture options.
I’ve saved the best for last: the newest Nurture Shake in the line up is Mint Chip, and I expected to like this since I like the Mocha Shake. But you guys–I kid you not when I say this tastes like ice cream. ICE CREAM. And did you know my favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip?! Because it IS.
This shake is seriously all of the goodness of mint chocolate chip ice cream without the weird green color that I’ve come to love, but is probably not natural (really, where does the green come from!?).
I will say the Mint Chip wasn’t a hit with the kids, but for the same reason that I prefer they not like my fave ice cream (more for me!), I am totally fine with that. I can absolutely see myself enjoying this shake this summer, and getting it all to myself. Doesn’t that sound blissful?! It’s the little things.
Overall Score: 8

Final Thoughts
This taste test was such a fun project to do with my kiddos, but honestly it also really opened my eyes to the impressiveness of the Profile Mom Program. The reason in the past that I’ve never been a big fan of shakes and supplements is because they seem like bandaids on broken bones. Sure, you can probably find some healthy options that are good for you, but if you’re not doing anything to change your lifestyle, who cares?
Profile’s approach totally turns that on its head. Yes, they have food and shakes, but the bigger story is that the Profile MOM Program is a nutrition and lifestyle program; the shakes are just a supplement to the other changes you’re encouraged to make. It feels so much more holistic knowing that with Profile, I also have the one-on-one support of my coach, and the Profile MOM Program as a whole. It’s far from a bandaid, and honestly that’s just more my style.
Interested in trying Profile for yourself? You can use my code, MADDIEPESCHONG, for $100 off your annual membership.

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