Melissa typically books a brand session each year to stay on top of content needs in her online health coaching business. This time we focused on photos to help her with messaging around her group coaching program, Mindfully Well. We wanted to communicate themes like stress, fatigue, balance, and self-worth.
Melissa wanted brand photography that would grow with her and last longer than the average flash-in-the-pan Instagram post. She wanted to use her photos on social media, but also her website and various client material. She needed a big, diverse gallery that would last.
Melissa wanted her images to look professional, but also relatable to her clients. It was also important that she be perceived as approachable, since her clients need to be vulnerable with her, so we needed to stay away from anything that would be intimidating.
Again, professionalism is important–but on her terms. Melissa is funky, fun, no-nonsense, and empathetic, so her brand photos needed to reflect that. She wanted to be able to look at her photos and really see herself, so she could feel confident putting them into the world.
I learned more about Melissa's brand through her Pinterest board and questionnaire, and then I got to work. I started by looking at her current website and social media to get an idea of what she talks about, and what kinds of images would be helpful. I was able to get a good idea of the types of images she wanted, and I also did my own sleuthing to start to put the shot list together.
In past shoots, we've focused on Melissa's keywords to communicate what she does, visually. For example, she could be writing positive affirmations on Post-its to show empowerment. For this shoot, we had more of a tactical shot list of images that Melissa needed to update the tried-and-true images she'd been using. Primarily, photos showing food prep, smoothies (she has a Smoothie Guide), lifting weights, podcasting and coaching.
When pulling ideas for movement and posing, I focused on concepts that skewed toward relatable, safe, and welcoming. I love editorial and strong photoshoots, but that wasn't the vibe here. We needed to show some of Melissa's softness and approachability, while still putting the focus on her expertise to help build trust. I knew that I would want to give Melissa actions to do at the shoot and have her perform them, as opposed to poses to strike.
Melissa needed a kitchen and a homey environment, so selecting a home made sense! Like many of my clients, Melissa didn't feel like her home represented her brand as powerfully as she wanted, so we worked with a home builder in the area to get access to a staged spec home for this shoot. We used the main living spaces, including the kitchen, living room, and dining room.
Melissa is a fashionista (seriously, I aspire to dress this well), so she didn't need my help much in this area. However, she did place an order for Nuuly, a clothing rental company, for all of her brand photo outfits. I highly recommend clothing rentals for your brand sessions! Melissa nailed this.
Melissa's latest session was featured in my course for brand photographers, Behind the Shot.
Take a look at the video from the course to see what a personal brand session looks like!
This translates into the delivery of my coaching program as well. My brand and photos are the first thing they see. If the see and outdated version of me, they likely anticipate an outdated version of their health coaching program. I believe that showing a present version of ourselves and/or our brand shows transparency and builds trust with our audience. Plus, it's fun."
Maybe you’ve been using the same headshot forever, and that yearbook-style backdrop is really killing your vibe. Or maybe you wish your marketing looked less like posing for selfies and more like showing up intentionally, with photos that help move the needle in your business forward. Or maybe there’s just something missing from the way you build relationships with your clients online. You’re craving less fake and more Jim-to-your-Pam connections and inside jokes with your audience.
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