How I Booked a $20,000 Headshot Project

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At the end of 2022, I received an inquiry from a local business looking to update their headshots. It was a large firm with multiple locations, and I quickly realized it would be a major project.

I was very much in head about sending a $20,000 proposal, but I knew the value I was offering went beyond just headshots (keep listening to hear more about my ecosystem approach).

I ended up booking the project, and it was one of the simplest projects I’ve ever done. It was not only a positive experience but also a confidence builder.

In this episode, I share how I booked the project and how you can land big projects too, even if you don’t live in a large city or typically work with big brands (be sure to sign up for the masterclass to learn more on this).

Episode Highlights:

03:05 Booking a $20,000 Project

05:27 Being positioned as a brand photographer

06:25 Building rapport with the client

08:23 Simplifying the experience and partnering with the client

09:50 Masterclass Details


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Hi! I'm Maddie.

If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

Why I walked away from my biggest client


EverythinG I did before I quit my Job


How I deal with imposter Syndome


Charge your Airpods. This is gonna be good.

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