Filed in : DESIGN

Custom Wedding Stationery for Glamorous Peacock Blue Wedding

A couple times a year, I’m contacted by couples who are interested in having their wedding day really stand out from the crowd by custom wedding stationery. I only take a few of these clients each year because the process is rather time-intensive, and I always want to make sure I’m giving my clients as much attention as possible! 

I love these projects, and for the past 3 years I’ve loved them even more because I’ve had the pleasure of working with a family of sisters who all got married recently. Taylor was the second of the sisters to contact me, and she wanted fancy invitations to match her glam wedding. She also wanted to use a peacock blue color to match different wedding details. Since I just so happen to love peacock blue, I knew this would be an awesome project. 

Taylor and I decided that a metallic cream cardstock would be perfect for these invites considering she wanted them to feel high-class. We also thought the blue pocket would really set them apart, and create an easy spot to store the additional cards. You can’t see it as well in the photos, but these guys have a super pretty shimmer that I just love.

There are so many neat ways to do RSVPs now, but I kind of loved these postcards we did for Taylor and Blake. I just think they’re so classic; plus, there’s something about a paper RSVP!

Also – excuse the blurs in the images. Just protecting privacy 😉

If you’re interested in custom wedding stationery, get in touch! I can do everything save the dates, to invitation suites, to programs and menus. Drop me a line!

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