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#8: How I Deal with Imposter Syndrome


Ever heard of imposter syndrome before? If you’ve ever found yourself feeling inadequate or like you’re ‘not enough,’ you’re one of the millions of people who have dealt with this issue. It’s insanely common, and it’s a big deal! People, especially women, are living their lives absolutely terrified that they are going to be exposed as a fraud. That someone is going to come forward and call them out and let the world know they’ve just been faking it this whole time.

As I’ve grown as a business woman, I’ve found that imposter syndrome doesn’t go away. Every time I get to a point where I can feel myself up-leveling in my business, it rears its ugly head, sometimes even more intense than before. My business is better than it has ever been and I still have moments where I’m terrified that the other shoe could drop.

However, as my imposter syndrome has gotten more and more intense, so has my mental strength. I can feel when imposter syndrome is coming and while I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop it, I have developed the tools I need to deal with it. I firmly believe that anyone can do this, and I am hopeful that by sharing with you, you can start to take action on shifting your mindset to deal with imposter syndrome instead of letting it control you. 

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Hi! I'm Maddie.

If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

Why I walked away from my biggest client


EverythinG I did before I quit my Job


How I deal with imposter Syndome


Charge your Airpods. This is gonna be good.

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