Brand Photographer Archetypes: The Exclusive Brand Photographer

This episode is part of my quiz series, where I tell you all about the four archetypes of brand photographers. You can go here to take the quiz, Are You Ready to Be a Brand Photographer, and I will tell you what your brand photographer archetype is!

This episode is diving into the third archetype, The Exclusive Brand Photographer. If you got this result in the quiz, keep listening to discover your best next step towards becoming a successful brand photographer.

Episode highlights:

01:46 Understanding the Exclusive Brand Photographer

02:39 Challenges and Strategies for Exclusive Brand Photographers

04:27 Marketing and Client Acquisition for Brand Photographers

05:49 Transitioning Skills from Wedding and Portrait Photography

06:08 Engage and Connect: Share Your Journey


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Hi! I'm Maddie.

If I’m giving you my elevator pitch, I’m a Sioux Falls, South Dakota, brand photographer and educator for creative women.

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