You’ve heard it before: saying “no” to something that doesn’t light you up makes space for some really, really beautiful “yes’s” to come into your life. I know that. You know that.
I also know that I said “yes” to just about every opportunity that came my way for the first seven years of my business. That’s a lot of “yes’s!”
Was it always the right choice? Probably not. Did I burn out sometimes? Uh-YES!
But I also learned a lot about myself. By saying “yes” to a bunch of different opportunities, I figured out what kind of work I like and what I don’t like. Where I need rest in my schedule and where I feel energized. And, I was able to grow my business financially to a place where I can say “no” today.
I know this might sound like I’m dishing out the worst business advice ever by encouraging you to overbook yourself and do too much, but that’s not it.
I just want you to know if you’re saying “yes” to a lot of things right now – like working nights and weekends – that’s totally, totally more than okay.
Picture your business 5 or 10 years from now. What do you want your day-to-day life and work to look like?
Lean into projects that get you closer to that dream. Make space and plans and goals so it can happen.
But please don’t beat yourself up for saying “yes” to things that fall outside of that sometimes too. And don’t beat yourself up if you’re still trying to figure out what your future business will look like.
Seasons of saying “no” when you mean it are so wonderful! Seasons for saying “yes” seem messier, but trust me, there’s a lot of magic happening in them too that you don’t want to miss.
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